Biochemistry & Mood
Chemical causes of mood and psychological distress
Pfeiffer's Law states, "For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect."
“Most depressed persons were born with a biochemical predisposition for depression, which renders them particularly vulnerable to traumatic events and difficult life circumstances.”
- William Walsh, PhD
"Nutrient therapy and counselling are natural partners." (Dr. Walsh)
We are not a brain, then a body. All of our body, nervous system, emotional world, memories, reactions--everything about us is interconnected. The best way to treat an interconnected system is to look at all of it and try to see what area, or set of areas, the problem is coming from, then treat all of those areas! While these disorders are chemical, they have a massive effect on the mental and emotional state of people. What's more, over time the disorder gets patterned into behaviour. |
"I've encountered thousands of depressed and psychotic patients who have received major benefits from counselling.
Psychodynamic therapies not only provide insight, coping mechanisms, and self-image repair, but also can have an enduring impact on gene expression. There is evidence that effective counselling can also promote development of new synapses and neuronal mini columns, thereby permanently improving the microstructure of the brain.
Correcting brain chemistry often is not enough and counselling can enhance the benefits patients can enjoy.
For example, behaviour-disordered teens may have negative self-image and poor habits that cannot be corrected by chemistry alone. Many anorexic patients have reported nice improvement from nutrient therapies but needed effective counselling to achieve complete recovery.
Nutrient therapy and counselling are natural partners."
(An excerpt from NUTRIENT POWER by William J. Walsh, PhD)